Employee Termination Security

When terminating an Employee, numerous concerns are relevant; and True Security in Aurora will be ready to assist with pre-planning consultation or security arrangements to prevent or respond to potential workplace violence. If your company policy allows, a suspension may be a 1st option preceding termination, which may allow the employee to adjust to the separation, especially if an unfinished investigation is pending and exact evidence may affect the final decision. Some preparations may include:

  • Employee Background: The employee(s) criminal and or behavior background may be vital to the planning of the termination and should not be overlooked or assumed.
  • Possible Violence: We would like to hope that this will not occur, yet being prepared will help prevent and or minimize injuries. A detailed plan should include the possible behavior of the employees to be ready for the unexpected as well.
  • Potential Property damage: Arrangements may be needed to safeguard property loss whether theft of vandalism, and or confidential info, to include other Aurora business locations.
  • Private Security Guard: When selecting this option, the security guard’s training and experience is vital to a possible encounter to deescalate the terminated employee from violent acts or appropriate response for others safety. For this duty, True Security Guards in Aurora are carefully selected and required to have the specific experience and training; also, the Client has the option to know the Guards prerequisites for this duty. The guard may be Uniformed or plain clothes, unarmed or armed; and this may vary with many considerations to review.
  • Uniformed Law Enforcement Officer: Sometimes this may be added to Private Security, especially if the employee has an arrest warrant, mentally unstable, is expected to become violent, and or is known to be armed.
  • Termination Date, Time, Place: The date, time, place of the meeting, when to inform the employee of the termination, needs consideration and all details concerning the staff and public safety, in the event any violence occurs, or force needs to be used to escort the employee off the premises.
  • After Termination: Based on some of the former information, plans should include possible employee retaliation for violence of any criminal actions if expected or as a precaution.
  • Employee Termination  planning: The decision should be made whether the responsibility  to terminate an employee is the job of the employee’s manager, HR manager, or other manager to be present. For the employee meeting, each situation may be evaluated differently, based on the conditions of the employee’s behavior and what is known; yet to be prepared for the unknown and other factors, like how the termination will affect the employee’s personal life financially and socially.
  1. Carefully decide who will be present during the meeting, based on the employee’s potential behavior.
  2. Beginning the meeting, state the reason for the termination early, so not to mislead the employee, especially if they are not expecting a termination. In your discussion, don’t attempt to justify or defend the decision. Explain only what you know for sure. Make sure the person has heard the termination news clearly, but avoid any personal attacks, accusations, or justifications.
  3. Be ready with specific information and questions next: pay, benefits, unused vacation time, references, outplacement, and so forth.
  4. Close by thanking the person for his contributions to the company. (Note: While it may seem odd to thank someone you’re terminating for unacceptable performance; yet almost everyone makes some contributions. Ending on positive comments may prevent future problems.)
  5. Be fully prepared to deal with all of the questions that invariably arise at the time the termination is announced — Make sure you have answers to questions like these before you initiate the termination, that may include:
  • Is today my last day? When should I leave?
  • Will I receive severance pay? How much?
  • Will I receive the bonuses I was eligible for?
  • When will I receive my last paycheck?
  • Will I be paid for accumulated sick leave or vacation time not taken?
  • Am I eligible for unemployment insurance?
  • Will you or the company provide employment references? What will you say if you are asked to provide a reference?
  • What will my coworkers and clients be told about my termination?
  • When must I return company property such as a car, cell phone, and keys?
  • What happens to my pension, profit sharing, or savings plans?
  • When can I go back to my work area to collect all my personal things?
  • Can I say goodbye to everyone before I go?

If possible, schedule the termination early in the week so they don’t have the weekend to dwell about it. Employee termination is undoubtedly one of the most disliked requirements of being a manager; yet is necessary for the success of the company and the people the company services. True Security in Aurora may assist you with consultation or on site security needs for employee termination or other workplace violence concerns.